Wednesday, May 26, 2010

All Done!

This time of year is always filled with excitement. The boys are excited to be done with school and are looking forward to a fun summer.

They aren't the only ones! Mommy has been looking forward to today for quite awhile. This is the first year I have felt soooo ready for school to be out. Honestly, one day last week, for just a quick second, I did actually think, "We're just done. Do they really need to go anymore?" I never would have just not taken them to school and they have had a great time with the festivities. It's just, I'm ready. Ready to have some down time. You know?

One of the most exciting things? Tate's graduation from pre-school! He has had a wonderful year - great teachers, wonderful friends. I can't believe he is old enough for kindergarten! The time does fly.

Receiving his certificate

The turning of the tassle

With Mrs. Bunn, his teacher

Isn't he cute? :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Yellow Roses

This year on Mother's Day, there were other women who deserved acknowledgment, so we decided to plant a yellow rose bush in honor of Mia's birth mother and the nannies who cared for her in China. Why yellow? Because all the other roses in our yard are pink and because Mia looks beautiful in yellow. It's our favorite color on her.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Isn't she lovely?

We found a few minutes this weekend to take some photos! We bought this cute traditional Chinese outfit for Mia at our favorite store in Guangzhou, Michael's Place. She is growing so fast, I'm not sure how long she will be able to wear this one!

Although she is very girly, this is how we find her most of the time. :)

And most days, this hairstyle fits her perfectly - wild and crazy!

And for the rest of the Jennings household? Just hanging in there until school is out! Just a few more weeks - we are so ready for no schedule, hanging at the pool and just playing. And I can already tell you that at about 6 weeks in, I'll be telling you that we are soooo ready for school to start, and for us to have a schedule and structure. :) Guess we always want what we don't have.

Have a terrific Tuesday everyone!