Sunday, June 24, 2012

Soon, Very soon!

Hi all!

It's been awhile, hasn't it?  I think I have officially earned the title of "worst blogger ever".  I left you in September with the announcement that we were adopting again and I haven't written since.  Bad, I know. :)

Let me just say that things have progressed and we are almost ready to head to China to bring home Lynli Grace!  The process has been fairly smooth with not much drama. Yay for that!  After submitting our Letter of Intent in September, we worked hard to complete our dossier and had everything submitted in January.  We were logged in with the China "adoption people" soon after and received our Letter of Acceptance in April. Since then, we had a few more paperwork steps that ended with our official Travel Approval coming last Monday.  And as you can only imagine, once the TA is issued, life seems to start going at warp speed!  So, I sit here tonight with airline tickets purchased, hotel reservations made and our "packing station" set up in our foyer.  And the station keeps growing...

So, I'm betting you guys might want an update on Lynli and some pics too? :)  Lynli will turn 3 years old on July 13th.  We are so excited to get to spend that day with her!   She has been in foster care for the past 2 years and seems to be thriving.  I have loved getting pictures of her - she is growing so fast!  At this point, her updates indicate that she is doing well developmentally and socially. It seems like she has also been healthy with few "colds or illnesses" along the way.  

One of the first pictures we saw of her after the referral pictures.

This is the most recent picture that we received the first week of June.

This is my favorite picture of all!  This was taken when the Love Without Boundaries staff visited Lynli's orphanage in February.  We sent her a photo album with our pictures in it.  This is her seeing us for the first time.

So, very soon we will be heading across the ocean to bring our sweet girl home.  We are over the top excited and this week will fly by with all of the preparation!

We will be blogging the entire trip and posting smaller updates to Facebook too. If you want to receive our updates by email, just click the tab above to join the feed!


  1. Are you leaving next week? I have another friend who is leaving on the 4th! Maybe you will meet up in Guangzhou! Congrats, guys!! I am so happy for you!!

    1. Yes! We are leaving the 4th! Phoebe is precious!!! :)
