Thursday, July 5, 2012

Finally here!!!

After a travel marathon - we made it!!  We are finally here in Guangzhou getting settled down for the night.  The kids did great - no fussing or whining - they are just troopers!

We arrived to our hotel at about 2:00 this afternoon.  I took a quick trip to the "grocery" store with our guide.  We had a quick bite to eat at Pizza Hut - honestly just too tired to be creative with our food options tonight. :)

Tomorrow morning we are up and at 'em quite early to visit Mia's orphanage.  We are all super excited about that and I was able to purchase some diapers, cookies and candies for the kids while at the store earlier.

I'll post after our trip tomorrow - I have major brain fog and don't even know if what I am typing makes sense. :)  Time to sleep!!!

Thank you all for your prayers for safe travel!

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