Sunday, August 5, 2012

We should have named her....


Seriously. I love her name. Lynli Grace. It really does fit her. But, had I known her first, we might have added a Joy in there somewhere. :)

She is such a joy and truly a wonderful addition to our family. Her smiles and giggles keep us laughing and smiling all day long. Her little voice is so cute.

She is still repeating things we say, but doesn't talk very much on her own yet. In the past couple of days she has started pretending to talk to us. It is hard to explain, but so cute. If Mia is talking to me, Lynli will come over, make the same hand gestures as Mia, but will whisper and "gibber gabber" as if she is saying the same thing as Mia. PRECIOUS.

Guess who is sleeping in her room?  Yep. We moved her in there last night and so far, so good. She likes to have Keith lay with her until she falls asleep. Mia is excited to finally have little sis in her room!

The last two weeks have been really good. We are just taking it day by day. School starts tomorrow for the oldest 3 and mommy is excited to be back to a little bit of a schedule.

Here are some fun pics from Lynli's first 2 weeks home....

First haircut with Granna! 

Visiting the zoo!

Silly kiddos!

Do you see that smile?

For my mom... I tried. Really. I did. :) She was just not having it. 

At least these two wanted to pose! :)

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