Monday, July 23, 2012


Whew!  What a fast, crazy few days it has been.

We arrived home to a wonderful welcome from family and friends at the airport on Thursday night - including a bag of homemade brownies from my sweet friend, Debbie. :)  Lynli screamed the entire way home. And this girl can scream. She was not at all a fan of the car seat. The kids had all traveled the 20 plus hours wonderfully, so a little screaming was quite alright.

Since then, we have been adjusting to our new life with little bit and trying to recover from jetlag.

Lynli is amazing. Really amazing.

She is sleeping well, although she does not like to go to sleep. But what 3 year old really does?  She is getting to know Max and Carly, our dog and cat, but is not really fond of them being too close. That will come with time. She is opening up and speaking more and more each day. She is talking to us in both her Chinese dialect and english. It comes throughout the day in little spurts. Today she repeated Elmo, roll, high five, push, and bye.  I get a few good mamas, but she still just yells lots of other things for our attention too. It is super cute.

We have had a some family members over to visit too. Can you believe that I managed to not get a single picture of her meeting her grandparents? CRAZY!  Can I blame that on jetlag? Grrr....

This is quite the quick update folks! Life is happening at the Jennings household. I'm off to take Tucker to scouts tonight, we ventured out to Target today (for a quick "get use to the car" trip), and Lynli will attend her first family birthday party tomorrow night. On Wednesday, we have Lynli's first doctor appointment and we are expecting all to be well with that. Other than those few things we are just "hibernating" a little and letting Lynli explore her new surroundings.

Much love to you all!  More soon.....

I did manage to get this pic with great-grandmother, Nanny.

Checking out the toys...

The kids demanded I take a pic of Lynli's first CFA nuggets. :)

She loves the piano.

She is not very fond of the grass and will not move her feet. So funny.

She likes this much better.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you made it home safely! She is just a beautiful little girl and so blessed to have you as her mommy :)
