We are getting so close! I wanted to take a few minutes to tell you a little bit about our sweet girl before we leave.
Mia was born March 27th, 2008 and currently resides at the Heshan City SWI (social welfare institute) in Heshan, China. Heshan is in southeast China, outside of Guangzhou in the Guangdong province. Guangzhou is also known Canton (where Cantonese food comes from).
Her given name is He Fu Jia. He (pronounce "huh") is her surname and means "crane", named after He Shan, or crane mountain. Fu means "excellent" and Jia "good fortune". Jia is pronounced "jyah". We have been told that she is called Jia Jia as a nickname. We have given her the name Mia Fujia Jennings. We loved the name Mia, because it means "hoped for."
In the paperwork we received, it states that she is "active, has a ready smile, loves to play with toys in bright color and sound, is gregarious and full of curiosity. She has formed close bonds with her caretakers and will walk fast and reach for cuddle upon seeing them." :)
We have been very blessed to connect with a few other families that have adopted from Heshan. I look forward to meeting them all one day. Our children started their lives together. They were family before we were. One of the little girls, Kaylie, came home this time last year and she remembered Mia when her mom showed her pictures. She is excited that Mia is getting a forever family too. Isn't that sooo sweet! :)
We are officially on the countdown. Just one more day of school, two more night times, a few errands to run, and a Bachelor finale to watch! :)
Best wishes, Tracy! We also have a Heshan girl, He Fu Qi, adopted February/09. Wishing you all the best with your beautiful daughter!