Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Greetings from Beijing!

We are here! We arrived at about 3:00pm on Wednesday the 3rd (your 2:00am Tuesday) and pretty much just settled down for the night. The boys were so good with the traveling! They thought the t.v screens at each seat on the plane were just too cool! Mommy thought so too -made the trip nice and easy. :)

We head out in a few hours to see the Summer Palace and do a little shopping today. We have an acrobatics show scheduled tonight. I think the boys will love it - if they can stay awake. :)

One of the best moments so far - landing in Beijing and telling Tate we are on Mia's time. We have been talking for over a year about how when it is our morning, it is her night etc.. You should have seen the look on his face when I said, "we are the same time as Mia now." Priceless.


  1. Yea!!! You are so close now!! Can't wait to see your Gotcha pics!! ;)

  2. YEA!!! One step closer to Mia!! I am so excited to follow along as you travel. Brings back so many memories! One year ago today we officially adopted Kaylie. Wow, how time flys! Please tell Samantha we say hello. I am emailing her tonight! I am sure she will bring Mia to meet you...she is fabulous!!! If Mia is doing well bonding and you have the chance to visit Heshan, I would take advantage. We were so glad we did! Take care!

  3. Yes!! So thankful that you all made it. Praying on this end girl. Love to you all. Lovell
