Our trip home began Friday morning, your Thursday evening, and we arrived home Friday night. Yep, 28 hours of travel. The kids did really great. 4 different airports and 3 flights home, one of them 13 hours long. Whew!
We had a great greeting at the airport at home. Mia was all serious faced. Not too many smiles - until we arrived home. She had a blast! She walked around looking at the house and even found some birthday presents mommy had forgotten to hide away! Guess more shopping is in store this week. :)
This weekend we just stayed home and played, and napped, and ate some yummy southern food that we missed so much while gone! Sweet tea, can we ever leave you again?
The boys have had soooo much fun playing with their new sister. The first thing they taught her? How to make tinker toy swords. Yep. They did. And I just giggled.
Mia is doing great. She is sleeping well, loves bath time and loves to play with her new toys. This girl can eat! She gobbles down just about any thing we give her. She eats very fast and we have to stop her to make her drink and take a break. There are soooo many cute things -
* she turns her head if we try to feed her anything green
*she does this cute growl thing when playing with you - kind of like an "ahhhhh" sound
* she wiggles her backside on the carpet when naked after her bath - not sure if she has felt carpet before
*peek-a-boo is so sweet - she holds up her hands to her face with fingers spread wide open and then moves them away to say, "boo!"
*she loves to dance - any time she hears music, she waves her arms in the air and shakes them like crazy
Honestly, she is just a cute, fun and spunky little girl! We can't wait to see her show us more of herself as she feels more comfortable.
Pictures are below! We are home, but will still be blogging about our new family of 5! Please stay with us - it is sure to be fun!
Not sure which airplane this was! :)
Our welcome home airport party!
the discovered birthday gift
Seeing her pictures in our home
getting to know cousin Preston
first cookie cake - at 1:00am!
checking out her new room
Love this cute China shirt! Find great stuff here - http://pitterpatterart.wordpress.com/page/2/
Her first Saturday morning cartoons - Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!
Welcome Home Mia - To Your Forever Family! We Love You!