Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fun Times!

Hello again! It is morning here and we are about to begin our last day in China. I can't believe it. The time has gone so fast! We are ready to come home though. I have already put in a request to my mother-in-law for fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans and carrots. :) Yum! We have been on Shamian Island for almost 2 weeks and we are sooooo tired of the same food. Can you believe I am almost looking forward to the airplane food tomorrow?

Tuesday was so much fun! We went to the Safari Park in Guangzhou. It is the largest zoo/safari in China. You begin with a 45 minute safari ride to see lots of animals - kind of like the one at Animal Kingdom, but much bigger. After that, there is an entire zoo to see. Huge! We all had so much fun! The boys got to hold a baby tiger and feed a giraffe. Mia loved seeing all of the animals and just talked and giggled the whole time. At one point, near the white tigers, there was loud music playing and she started dancing and waving her arms around. We have a little fire ball and are just beginning to see her little personality.

Yesterday, we went to the US consulate for the oath taking ceremony. It was interesting - about 50 families all in a large room. They do a passport check and then we sign our name one more time. After the checks are all complete, the oath is taken in group form. Essentially, we say that all of our paperwork is correct to our knowledge, and that we will love and protect our child. That's it. Today we go back to the consulate to pick up Mia's passport and visa and the all important "brown envelope" for immigration and we are done.

Today we will be shopping and packing! We have an early start tomorrow and a very long journey home. Counting it down!

the famous Red Couch photo

our travel group

Mia with daddy

new friends

hugs from brother

feeding the tiger!

busy dad!

the best shopping find ever? Chinese Pokemon cards!

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